Announcing The Pale Beyond, a narrative exploration-survival set in an unforgiving frozen wasteland

Today the newly-formed Bellular Studios, founded by YouTuber Michael Bell (BellularGaming) and Creative Director Thomas Hislop, have revealed their first foray into games, The Pale Beyond. The Pale Beyond is an adventure-survival game for players who enjoy moral quandaries and unraveling mysteries.

Years after a ship disappears on a dangerous polar expedition, a crew is assembled for a perilous recovery mission aboard its sister ship, the Temperance. Soon after embarking, The Temperance gets stuck in the ice, the Captain mysteriously disappears, and you are thrust unwillingly into the role of command.

With the lives of 24 crewmates on the line, what impossible choices will you make in leading your crew to survive the Pale Beyond?

Manage scarce resources, navigate critical relationships with your crew, and deal with the possibly fatal consequences of your actions.

Check out the reveal trailer featuring original accordion music from Jackson Parodi, and the voice talent of Ian McElhinney (Game of Thrones, Star Wars: Rogue One), which unveils the responsibilities and difficult choices warned by the Captain before his disappearance.

The Pale Beyond is set for release on PC in 2022. To keep up with updates about the Pale Beyond, visit BellularGaming on YouTube or hang out with Fellow Traveller on Twitter and Discord.

Fellow Traveller