Working on interesting games with passionate and interesting people is our primary objective. Making money is the means to continue doing that, not the sole end.
We don’t create dependencies—the developers we partner with should learn about marketing and publishing by working with us, not become reliant on having to work with us as a publisher.
We aim to be as transparent as possible with developers at all times. We act as if we are part of the developer’s team, not an outside company they have to report to.
We lift up the developer and put the spotlight on them, not us. Our developers should be able to leverage our brand and community, rather than us building our brand on the back of our developers.
As a publishing company, we will always seek to reinvent the way we work with developers to produce the best results.

Develop the messaging and positioning of the game to maximise its ability to cut through the crowd and get noticed. This informs both the marketing and the development of the game.
Spread the word about the game through PR, social media, events, store presence, streaming, YouTubers and more.
Once the game has launched, we work with the developers on support and content, securing great sales promotions, bundles and other activity that drives revenue beyond the launch.

Fellow Traveller is on a mission to explore the potential of narrative games.
We’re interested in games on any platform (in fact we like games to have multi-platform potential) but we’re only interested in games that have innovative or original thinking and narrative components at their core. New ideas, unusual concepts and games from people outside of the traditional development scene and under-represented groups are very much welcome. Many of the games we’ve signed have been the first major project for the developers.
We are happy to chat at any stage of development and we’ve signed games from 48-hour game jam prototypes as well as games that are already announced and well under way. We usually need to be able to play some sort of build before we sign, but we can certainly start conversations before that point.

If you want to tell us about your game and find out if we can help please email our team with a pitch at developers@fellowtraveller.games
Your email should include:
Who you are and what you’ve done before.
Game overview with 1-2 paragraphs of elevator pitch, the platforms you’re aiming for, what state the game is in now and when you think the game would launch.
Links to the game website, videos and a playable build if you have one.
What you are looking for e.g. funding, marketing support etc.
Please note that we can’t respond to every email we get. If you don’t get a reply it’s most likely because you’ve pitched us something that just doesn’t fit with the type of games we work on such as a free-to-play mobile arcade game.